Sunday, 2 June 2024 ------------------------ Hello. All is well. God is love. Finishing chapter seven, we look into the source of intelligence. Is intelligence nature or nurture? It seems genetic is the main factor according to studies, or has the highest correlation with IQ. The book mentions 'Range of Reaction' which is similar to the concept we previously learned, genotype vs. phenotype. Nature determines the range and nurture determines where we'll fall on that range. I think society's obsession with numbers is an indication of our over prioritization of IQ. If you don't have a good composer, it doesn't matter how well each can play their instrument. If we don't change course, I believe it'll ultimately be the demise of our society. Why that is, I've touched a bit on before, but essentially, I think we misunderstand how nature works. It's also why my gut feeling is that current efforts of artificial intelligence are simply an escalation of this, but I could be mistaken. May we be forgetting what our numbers can't quantify? What is a learning disability? Well, it's in the name. Something that nerfs one's ability to learn in some form. They're generally not correlated with IQ. Dysgraphia is trouble writing legibly. Do all people in the medical profession suffer from this? I don't have this. It's a compliment I remember from someone in school. Want someone to remember you or a moment you shared? Give them a compliment competently. How they react can also give you clues to understanding yourself and them. Anyway, legibility is perfection to me. I dislike cursive writing, but obviously, it's superior in terms of speed. Dyscalculia is difficulty with arithmetic, like intuitively seeing the amount of things in a group without counting or remembering math facts. I don't have this, I think. Dyslexia is the most common learning disability. A mishap in auditory processing causes difficulty in matching letters to their sound, resulting in mixup of letters in words. Not sure if I got that right but interesting. It seems they work on word level instead of letter level? I guess Mandarin would cause fewer issues than English if one has dyslexia. I don't have this. My main issue is writing 'ou' instead of 'uo'. Like I write 'qoute' instead of 'quote'. I noticed I wrote 'dependant' instead of 'dependent' in earlier writings before using spellchecker. I think this is due to Swedish influence, maybe? There's a lot of 'a' at the end of words in Swedish, whereas Danish is more similar to English, using 'e' at the end of words. I have no idea if what I'm saying here is complete nonsense. I think learning two languages that are similar yet not similar, like Danish and Swedish, is a great source of confusion, haha. Culturally as well, you don't know which side to belong to. I think the idea of having a sense of home and belonging is interesting. I don't really have that, which can be a brutal reality but also makes you stronger in other ways by adapting. I think most will struggle to persevere alone. Perhaps genetically, I am predisposed to resilience, but everyone has their limits and life happenings. I feel at home in a mind of love, hehe. I see love as god in its purest form. Remember that love and god are only words, so I also understand if one doesn't understand what I'm on about. Ultimately, I'm not making a claim on an absolute level. That is beyond comprehension and human sense making. I'm making a claim on an agent level for the practical purpose of maximizing agency by an emergent intentional force that seeks to align mind and matter through the known mechanisms of a human. I'm not explaining this well, but I intend to get better at it. Ultimately, you have to feel it yourself and take some very scary leaps into the unknown to really understand it, but I think everyone has some sense of it. I could also just be going insane. Who knows? The difficulty is that it's a two-way street. Mind and body working together. It's inherently something that must be understood perceptually as you make sense of the world through the senses and feelings. I'm yapping because I feel it, and I do also find it making sense intellectually, but my level of comprehension of this will perhaps fundamentally always be limited. Intellectually, I can say I may be completely wrong or missing something. However, as a person who has never been able to pretend, finding something that feels genuine and, I think, improves my agency is telling me something. I have a simple mind. Some may need to conceptualize god further but for me it doesn't get more real than love, but at the moment I don't really know how to convey what I mean by love fully. The discussion of love in practice is another one. As I said, I really want to be thorough with the foundation and I think the practical is a whole other game and unanswerable in absoluteness. Either way, the cultivation of love is a pleasantly meaningful journey on a personal level but not easy to cultivate as a sole insane mind. It's a network effect thing, heh.