Thursday, 29 February 2024 ------------------------ Hello :) A few days ago I started writing down my thoughts. I think I enjoy it. Don't take any of it as facts, only as my thoughts, wherever they take me in the moment. Some of it may be unintelligible, I apologise for that, but I don't want to begin to edit or polish my thoughts. Each text file, starting with 0001.txt, contains the writing I did one day. Within the text file, at the top, you'll find the date of the day. I will never monetise this whatsoever, in any direct way such as paid content, or indirectly like promoting anything of mine or whatever that has any commercial nature. This is not out of nobility, morality or anything of that sort. It is only because this is a way for me to authentically share and connect with people, and I don't want to introduce anything that could conflict with that. It is simply a privilege or a matter of intention and nothing more. I'm thankful for anyone that wish to share a few words with me. Perhaps insight to help my thinking, something I should educate myself on, or letting me know where I may be misguided, but also if something I write makes sense to you. My email address is I may not reply, but it may show up in some way in my writing. This is not because I don't appreciate your words or I'm too busy for you. I'm not busy by any means, my energy is just finite and shifts, like I think many can relate to. It has only something to do with me, and nothing about you. I'm just happy by one reading what I share here as well. Wednesday, 10 April 2024 ------------------------ Hi there. On the homepage, I've added a three-word title to each text file link. I hope that helps. Tuesday, 9 July 2024 ------------------------ Hey again :) A few days ago I started drawing a bit. It's an interesting way to make sense. I may share some drawings here, starting with 0001.jpg today. On the homepage, instead of a three-word title, file links to drawings are accompanied by the date they were drawn. Friday, 30 August 2024 ------------------------ The end :) Well, I no longer feel I have to think about life. Renaming the homepage's title to journal, I may still share things from my life.